Digital Logic
I created a project named Digital Logic. Digital Logic can create any logic gates you want. You can use the Base namespace to create your own customized gates or inherit the ones I already implemented in Base.Gates namespace. For now, only a few gates were implemented but I will add more in the coming days.
First, you'll need to have the Extract the DLLs and save it in your working folder. Add the
DLLs into your project references.
Sample code:
int main()
AND andGate = new AND();
andGate.Input(1, true);
andGate.Input(2, false);
if(andGate.Output == false) MessageBox("Correct");
else MessageBox("Wrong");
return ;
You can download the files here Digital Logic
First, you'll need to have the Extract the DLLs and save it in your working folder. Add the
DLLs into your project references.
Sample code:
int main()
AND andGate = new AND();
andGate.Input(1, true);
andGate.Input(2, false);
if(andGate.Output == false) MessageBox("Correct");
else MessageBox("Wrong");
return ;
You can download the files here Digital Logic
I tried it and it work! You failed to mentioned that it is a .NET DLL though.. I can use this in my current project can't wait for the updates