How to build Xerces-c in Windows and Linux

MS Windows (Win7)
- Visual Studio 2008 SP3

Build Steps:
1. Unzipped
2. Open the solution in VS 2008 \xerces\xerces-c-3.1.1\projects\Win32\VC9\xerces-all\xerces-all.sln
3. Build the projects in "Release" mode
4. The binaries can be found in \xerces\xerces-c-3.1.1\Build\Win32\VC9\Release

Linux (Suse)
- GCC 4.3.4
- Linux 3.0.93

1. Unzipped in \usr\local
2. Create another folder (any folder name but in this example it's "xerces")
3. Choose current directory "xerces" and call "../xerces-c3.1.1/configure
4. Choose current directory "xerces" and call "make build"
5. Choose current directory "xerces" and call "make install"
6. The libraries can be found in \usr\local\lib
7. The binaries can be found in \usr\local\bin
8. The include files can be found in \usr\local\include

That's it!


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